Changing your sheets regularly can make you believe that your bed is clean, however, the mattress that lays underneath is not. Chances are that your mattress has never been cleaned and carries a high amount of dust mites and dirt particles.
Mattress cleaning has a lot more benefits other than removing dust, dirt and dead skin cell flakes:
Healthier indoor air quality
On average an adult sleeps 8 hours per day. For this reason you have to maintain a healthy indoor air quality in your bedroom. When you turn in your bed at night, it causes the dust particles that residue in your mattress to move free and get mixed with the air you breathe. This may that cause health issues such as throat and eye irritation, sneezing, upper respiratory congestion, watery eyes and fatigue.
Allergy management
Dust mites live mainly in mattresses, and they’re a highly common trigger for allergy issues including asthma, eczema and rhinitis. Doctors recommend to remove mites and dust from mattresses by cleaning them regularly as a precaution to avoid the development of allergies. Minimizing contact with the allergens can reduce allergy triggers that could lead to a more serious health condition.
Cleaning a mattress is a big job that requires hypoallergenic detergents and specialized equipment, therefore it is best to be left to the professionals. We can provide you with our expertise, knowhow, cleaning supplies and equipment.